Sort by Project Name in X25/X25Analytics & hide older projects

3 votes

With several projects (terms, locations, departments, etc.) it would be helpful to be able to sort (ascending / descending) by Project Name. Or be able to move the projects within the list - much like moving bookmarks in your web browser. Currently the projects are not in name or last update order. The project list is becoming a jumbled mess and hard to find what is needed. And the projects continue to grow as more diverse data analysis requests are made at our institution.

Additionally, it would be helpful to hide (archive) older X25/X25Analytics projects. When needed they can be un-archived. Similar to LYNX...we can hide past extract sets and re-open them when needed.

Thank you for considering this improvement.

Done X25 Analytics Suggested by: Pam Lau Upvoted: 06 Sep, '22 Comments: 0

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